Harrisburg, PA – Enero 25, 2022 – Today Senator Tim Kearney and Senator Sharif Street honored the Muslim Aid Initiative (MAI), a non-profit organization created by their constituents in response to the COVID-19 pandemic in Marzo 2020, in a recognition ceremony on the PA Senate Floor.
“The Muslim Aid Initiative (MAI) founded in Marzo 2020 in response to the COVID pandemic, was a critical resource to connecting communities in Pennsylvania with public health information, vaccination, PPE and medical personnel,” said Senator Street, “I was honored to join Senator Kearney in recognizing their impact on communities across the commonwealth.”
“When constituents step up to meet the needs of the community during challenging times, it signifies a commitment to a cause that is greater than any one individual,” stated Senator Kearney, “MAI has done tremendous work during the COVID-19 pandemic and Pennsylvanians are better engaged because of their efforts.”
The Muslim Aid Initiative also received recognition from the PA House of Representatives for their efforts. Rabiul Chowdhury, founder of MAI, expressed his gratitude stating,
“We are honored and humbled by the recognition, especially at a time when vaccine hesitancy continues to be high among the AAPI and broader minority communities.” He stressed the organizations continued goal to “close the information gap and facilitate vaccination among our community members.”
MAI released a multilingual health information video featuring 10 different healthcare providers in 8 different languages receiving more than 100k views which can be viewed here.