SPRINGFIELD, PA – April 28, 2022 – Senator Tim Kearney (D-Delaware) today announced a $51,379 Keystone Grant for the Domestic Abuse Project of Delaware County (DAP) to support the organization with much-needed capital updates to its facilities. 

DAP, a 501c3 non-profit, applied for financial assistance to improve structural issues at the organization’s main office as well as their Safe House Shelter locations. The physical structure of the organization and satellite locations, especially the Safe House Shelter, is considered to be paramount to the safety and growth of the clients and staff of DAP.

“The Domestic About Project of Delaware County is a critical resource for constituents in need of their services,” said Senator Kearney. “It is my pleasure to have been able to secure the funding needed to preserve the integrity of those services, ensuring that victims of domestic violence can continue to have access to local resources.”   

Julie Avalos, Executive Director of the organization said the funding would be a huge help in accomplishing care for the organization. ”DAP is thankful for the support of Senator Kearney’s office,” she stated. “As a result of this grant, DAP is able to address important operational needs that allow us to remain mission-focused and prioritize services to victims of Domestic Violence in Delaware County.”

The capital upgrades will include window replacements, ceiling and roofing repairs, and additional security measures at the shelter and main office.


Additional Information: 

The accompanying photo shows Senator Kearney and DAP employees standing in front of the organization’s main office – a site that will benefit from the Keystone Grant. 

About the Domestic Abuse Project of Delaware County 

The Domestic Abuse Project of Delaware County was created in 1976 as part of a movement to provide safety, advocacy, and supportive services to victims of domestic abuse not otherwise available within Delaware County. The mission of the Domestic Abuse Project of Delaware County is to prevent domestic violence and empower victims to move towards self-sufficiency.